Dear member of the club,
You are cordially invited to attend the ordinary General Assembly of Members. Due to the corona pandemic and the increasing number of infections in the district, this year's ordinary general assembly will be held online for security reasons.
We have identified Zoom as the best-suited system for these purposes due to its stability and reliability. For network security and privacy, please refer to the notes on ZOOM below.
There you will find advice on how to use Zoom in the best possible way. If you experience difficulties taking part in the meeting due to a lack of equipment, please don't hesitate to contact us, and we will look for support options.
This year's online session offers the opportunity to look at the year from the club team's perspective, bring in your own concerns, and see your sports club from a different perspective.
There will also be the possibility of seeing and hearing other people from the association, getting answers to possible questions, bringing in concerns, and stimulating new activities.
Formally, the advisory board, board of directors, and the cash audit will be elected. A report on the activities of the past year will also be presented. We have not set a focal point this year in terms of content. Instead, we want to use this online ordinary General Assembly as an opportunity to take with us from you what challenges you have faced and where we can improve.
Please be part of it! We would like your contribution to the discussion, your questions, and your voice for Seitenwechsel.
We are looking forward to you and your Partizipation.
Please register in advance for the meeting at using the email address we have on file.
Please follow the Zoom Recommendations.
Greetings from the members of the advisory board:
Andi, Anne, Camila, Christopher, Conny-Hendrik, Greta, Ina, Kat, Lena, Lisa, May, Noah, Steffi, and the office team: Itong, Martin, Jules, and Felicia.
- Greeting and Establishment of the quorum
- Introductory round of participants
- Election of the chair of the meeting
- Activity report on the club's activities in 2019 in 2019 and up to date
- Questions and discussion around the reports Cash report 2019
- Discharge and election of the Board of Directors Election of the cash audit
- Establishment of the Advisory Board1
- Suggestions / questions / additional concerns from you.
- Other matters
- End of the session with the possibility to continue the exchange.
For trainers: Unusual training times can be billed. We ask the trainers and contact persons to ensure that there is a representative from their group at the meeting in case you are unable to attend.
1We, the advisory board, try to develop a practice critical of discrimination and we wish to have people with further social positioning around diverse perspectives and views in the advisory board. We invite you, if you are interested, to be elected to the advisory board in order to actively shape the association.
You can find further information here.
We are also looking for people on the advisory board who are explicitly interested in the topic of girls*sport or youth work and want to get actively involved.