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OUT*Side Survey - Physical movement and sport for Trans*, Inter* and non-binary people
OUT*side is our initiative for trans*, inter*, non-binary folks, and women* which offers wide-ranging movement and athletic activities alongside a host of other health-related courses and workshops on empowerment through movement. Together with partners TrIQ, Gladt e.V., and Sonntags-Club, we host free events in parks and gymnasiums throughout Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg. OUT*side is sponsored by the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg's planning and coordination department for health. More information about our program can be found here!
This survey is open to anyone who feels that the gender assigned them at birth is an inaccurate or inadequate reflection of their identity. For the sake of simplicity, we use the terms trans*, inter*, and non-binary throughout this survey. If you identify with any of these definitions, we ask you to support us by participating in this survey. We are working to improve our understanding of the needs of trans*, inter*, and non-binary folks in order to recognize, analyze, and successfully mitigate different forms of discrimination.
Our goals are to:
- make it easier for people to access our athletic offerings,
- lower the risk of potential discrimination in our existing sports groups,
- establish a critical understanding of discrimination in our athletic organization, and
- improve our program to better suit participants' needs.
This is especially true for Trans*, Inter* and non-binary people, i.e. all people who do not feel or do not feel sufficiently described with the gender assigned to them at birth.
If this definition applies to you, we ask you to support us by participating in this survey. Our aim is to better understand the needs of Trans*, Inter* and non-binary people in order to identify, analyse and successfully reduce forms of discrimination.
This survey is not being conducted for statistical or scientific purposes. The results of this survey will be subject to internal evaluation only and will not be published. The survey will be available online until 30.11.2019.
It will take about 25 minutes to complete the form. Please allow this time for answering the questions.
Thank you very much for your participation!
Seitenwechsel in Kooperation mit TrIQ, Gladt e.V. und dem Sonntags-Club