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5 years OUT*side anniversary

Attention! For different reasons we inform you that we have had to cancel our 5 years OUT*side anniversary event. We are very sorry but we will try to organize it again in September-October.

On JUNE 29th we celebrate our 5 YEARS OUT*side anniversary and we want to spend that afternoon with you doing what we love the most, sport and physical activity!

OUT*side is a project by and for trans* inter* and non-binary folks since June 2017. It offers free exercise programs in parks and gyms in Berlin-Friedrichshain/ Kreuzberg as well as online. The focus of the project is to increase health and well-being of the participants. It is also about creating spaces for empowerment together.
Our activities are free of charge and membership is not required.

5 Years OUT*side anniversary PROGRAM:

- Power*Fit with Martin: 6:00-7:00pm. Offer for TIN folk and female friends 

- Self Defense with Lea Marie: 6:00-7:30pm. Offer for TIN folk

- Jugger with Jani: 6:00-8:00 pm. Offer for TIN folk and cis female friends are invited to come along as your +1

- Tai Chi with Makisig: 6:00-7:00pm. Offer for TIN folk

- Meditation with Rhama: 7:00-8:00pm. Offer for Queer folk

- Feldenkrais with Moritz: 7:00-8:00pm. Offer for TIN folk

- Grand finale with music, dance and choreo learning with Finn and Robin: : 8:00-8:30pm. Offer for Queer folk

Meeting place: Juggerfeld of the Jugger e.V. on the Tempelhofer Feld. Location on Google Maps click here.
Time: 17:45 Welcome
Participation is free of charge and possible without club membership!

OUT*side is a project by and for trans* inter* and non-binary people. It offers free movement activities in parks and halls in Berlin-Friedrichshain/ Kreuzberg as well as online. The focus of the project is to increase health and well-being of the participants. It is also about creating spaces for empowerment together.


Time: :6:00- 7:00 pm 
Language: German (English and Spanish)

So began OUT*side project, with Power*Fit in the park with Martin and Sam in 2017. And of course you can't miss such a memorable day!
Let's meet one hour and try to follow Martin and feel your Body. We will do High Intensity Interval Training (HiiT) Full Body Workout. The goal is to stay in shape, get in shape and sweat a lot. All level are welcome. All you need is interest and a big bottle of water!

Coach: Martin Muz (they/them). A spanish guy who live in Berlin since 2009 and since then try to bring more accesibilty in sport to them TIN Comunity. Personal Fitness Trainer, Power*Fitness Coach by Seitenwechsel and Canoe Polo Coach. See more of Martin...

Click here to sigs up (We send you a Email with the Link and Code!)


Time: 18:15 - 19:45
Languages: German, English
The trainings are open for all levels
What to bring: Indoor shoes, comfortable clothes

In the workshop we want to practice simple self-defense techniques that can help to overcome tense or violent situations without escalation. It will be shown and tried out which possibilities of action exist in such difficult situations. The exercises come from martial arts like Systema, Capoeira and dance. We will also work specifically with breathing. Previous experience is not necessary. We recommend to wear comfortable clothes.

Trainer (her): Lea Marie Uría is an Argentine-born writer, journalist, musician and dance performer who has been living in Berlin since 2012. She has been involved in many dance performances related to improvisation, practicing martial arts such as capoeira and systema, and dance disciplines such as butoh, among others, a type of dance that emerged in Japan after World War II. See more of Lea Marie...

To the registration


Time: 6:00 - 20:00pm
Meeting place: Juggerfeld of the Jugger e.V. on the Tempelhofer Feld. Google Maps click here
Offer in cooperation with Jugger e.V.
Languages: German, English
Special feature: your cis women friends are invited to come along as your +1 to the workshop

Description: Jugger can be described as a mixture of fencing and rugby, a dynamic team sport in which the activity of all players is required. The goal is to capture the game ball (jugg) and keep the opposing team away from the person carrying the ball. For this purpose, sports equipment padded with foam, so-called pompfen, are used. Anyone who is touched by a pompfe kneels for a few seconds. The highly dynamic nature of the sport requires concentration, teamwork and the ability to react to constant changes on the field, and is of course incredibly fun! The multiple positions allow players of very different backgrounds (size, strength, etc.) to play together and utilize their strengths.
The sport was developed from an action movie in 1993 and has been played in mixed-age and mixed-gender teams ever since. Despite this, there are often cismale-dominated structures, but these have been breaking down more and more in recent years. Let's do our part and claim this wonderful sport for ourselves!

The training takes place at Tempelhofer Feld. Unfortunately the changing and toilet facilities there are not really good, so come already in sportswear if possible. If you have cleats, soft knee pads and/or gloves, please bring them with you. Otherwise you only have to bring enough water - and of course motivation!

You want to get an impression of Jugger? Click here you can watch the video.

Coach: Jani (They/them) has been playing Jugger for four years, is currently coaching the university sports course of Jugger e.V. and is otherwise mainly involved in the community's awareness work. Outside of Jugger, Jani is a student, freelance workshop trainer and drag quing, enjoys cycling and likes anything rainbow colored. See more about Jani...

Click here to sign up


Time: 6 pm - 7 pm
Language: English

As a first introduction to Kung Fu, I had to learn the importance of Taichi. Many do not know that Taiji or taichi was and still is used for Kung Fu training. Together we will go through the modern short form of Yang-taiji. We will start with warm-ups to warm the body. We might do a little bit of body conditioning, then we will learn 3-4 movements of the 24 short form of Yang taiji. I have learned taiji,  I am not a trained teacher in it. But I am open to sharing my knowledge.

Coach: Makisig Akin. Our teacher is a Filipino, immigrant, queer artist of color. The majority of Kristianne’s training in martial arts includes: Filipino Martial Arts, Taiji, qigong, Yang taiji, Chen taiji, Praying Mantis and Pigua form. Makisig is BIPoC-Kung Fu und Martial Dancing coach by Seitenwechsel. See more about Makisig...

Sign up click here!


Time: 19:00-20:00
Language: English with German support

This somatic method is named after its founder Moshe Feldenkrais. Moritz teaches lesson in Awareness through Movement. This lesson teach a better perception of everyday movement patterns and enable you to learn movement alternatives. Feldenkrais is appropriate for everyone, even if you have pain or limitations. No previous knowledge necessary.
Please have a blanket at hand on which you can lie comfortably and dress warm and comfortable.

COVID Rule in the gym: 2G+ (All participants must present a daily negative Covid test)

Trainer: Moritz G. Sander "Some people know me in the queer Berlin scene from other contexts, for example as a moderator or drag king. I completed my training as a Feldenkrais teacher in 2018 and I am happy to be able to make this offer to the FINT Community now through the OUTside Project". See more about Moritz...

Sign up click here!


Time: 7 – 8 pm, 
Language: English

Meditation is a traditional practice that prepares our brains and souls to connect with the present and to effectively shape our future through breathing techniques. I have been able to find myself and accept myself through meditation and I would love to share my knowledge with you, to guide you through an experience that will help you connect with your inner self, to relax and to charge your energies. I am trained in guided meditations and have been practising privately throughout 2020. Every class I will teach you a bit about chakras and energies to later guide you to a beautiful place where you'll find peace. No previous experience needed, come as you are!

Coach: Rhama is a non-binary multidiscplinary artist from Chile, based in Berlin since 2015. They are trained in Acting, Movement, Hair & Make-up and Meditation. They are very passionate about all of them and also about singing. 'I enjoy so much sharing myself and my knowledge with people, especially the queers. My artistry and work is dedicated to us, because we are wonderful!' See more about Rhama...

Sign up here


Time: 20:00 - 20:30
Languages: German, English
The trainings are open for all levels

To end a party day, there is no better way to do it than dancing! we would love that all those who have participated in the offers of that day, would like to stay and enjoy our great end of the party and learn some dance steps that we can do all together!

Afterwards We would like to continue the party with your music, so choose your favorite songs to dance to.

Coachs: Robin (they) and Finn (They)


To the registration

This project is sponsored by the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg's planning and coordination department for health.


Seitenwechsel in Kooperation mit TrIQ, Gladt e.V. und dem Sonntags-Club